Why its important to have a view from above? / Proč je důležité mít nadhled?

Why its important to have a view from above? / Proč je důležité mít nadhled?

Sometimes can be challenging to know precisely what we really want from life but maybe it’s harder not to forget these ideas because of the daily difficulties which are screaming at us from everywhere. How…

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All you need is… in 2021

All you need is… in 2021

2020 wasn’t probably the year we expected it to be but maybe it had some significant meaning which we can’t understand now. Who knows? Anyway, you had to apparently change or stop your plans. How…

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Eco Christmas: 3 zero-waste last-minute gifts

Eco Christmas: 3 zero-waste last-minute gifts

Maybe it was very difficult to get original gifts for our family or friends this year. I will bring you 3 quick zero-waste gift ideas with many interesting not sponsored links which you can give…

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Soutěž o motivační diáře 2021!

Soutěž o motivační diáře 2021!

Motivace je možná to, co ti poslední dobou schází, abys dosáhl toho, co v životě opravdu chceš. Ať už je to úspěch v tvojí kariéře, vysněný dům či nový životní styl – všechny mají jedno…

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I want to sign the reverse! / Chci podepsat revers!

I want to sign the reverse! / Chci podepsat revers!

There is a frightening virus that I need to test for it to realize I was its victim.😃 Nobody could have thought this virus can easily for almost one year ruin our social relationships and…

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Our mobile app Flaminger: Giveaway / Soutěž

Our mobile app Flaminger: Giveaway / Soutěž

International giveaway which everybody in the world can enjoy. Why?! Compete with me and win a 10x subscription for a new iOS mobile app worth 100 EUR and become a part of the modern community!…

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Summer reading list: 3 books which will change your life / Letní četba: 3 knihy, které změní Váš život

Summer reading list: 3 books which will change your life / Letní četba: 3 knihy, které změní Váš život

You can’t read any books from cover to cover and just go away. You need to give time and understand some kinds of books. All of these books are smaller than the ones you normally…

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What is new? Co je nového?

What is new? Co je nového?

Corona times interrupted plan for us all. Nobody knows when we can start traveling and enjoy life again. You can’t plan anything now which is extremely hard for people like me. Do we plan to…

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Easy recipe how to start exercise+stay in shape Jednoduchý návod jak začít cvičit+si udržet kondici

Easy recipe how to start exercise+stay in shape Jednoduchý návod jak začít cvičit+si udržet kondici

Move or die?! Is it moving the overrated part of our lives, or it has something special? Do we absolutely need to exercise or we are all becoming lazier and unable to move after sitting…

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3 lessons that quarantine taught us / 3 lekce které nás naučila karanténa

3 lessons that quarantine taught us / 3 lekce které nás naučila karanténa

Who knew a few months ago that the whole world would be slowed down by a pandemic and we will all be stuck at our homes? No matter what happened I believe all of us…

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