Why does hair drying matter? / Proč záleží na kvalitě fénu?

Why does hair drying matter? / Proč záleží na kvalitě fénu?

This article contains paid partnerships. Tento článek obsahuje placenou propagaci. I didn’t realize how important the quality of a hairdryer could be until I happened to try Valera hairdryers… While traveling, I was pleasantly surprised…

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Welcome 2023

Welcome 2023

New year, fresh breath… How should we experience the start of the new year and how should we make our decisions in the future? Starting the new year could be a positive boost for managing…

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I don´t feel good… / Necítím se dobře…

I don´t feel good… / Necítím se dobře…

It is all right don’t feel ok. It would be good to know that if this feeling remains maybe we need some help. It is important to know that – “healthy body, healthy mind” so…

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Let’s turn a new page together / Otočme list společně

Let’s turn a new page together / Otočme list společně

Black or white, man or woman, vaccinated or not-vaccinated… Where are we heading right now? How suddenly can become archenemy from our favorite friend and how long we can let divide ourselves without even recognizing…

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Autumn near the beach / Podzim blízko pláže

Autumn near the beach / Podzim blízko pláže

Iconic landscape with the leaves colored to every tone and smell of the upcoming winter in the air. If this autumn scenery on the almost kitschy pictures makes you truly happy I can promise you…

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What makes you fulfilled? / Co nás naplňuje?

What makes you fulfilled? / Co nás naplňuje?

Have you always wanted to travel the world, dance salsa during the sunset, have dinner with a secret man, and just like that wander through the continents? Have you always wanted to become old next…

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Hello from the new house / Pozdravy z nového domu

Hello from the new house / Pozdravy z nového domu

I still can’t believe it’s already August – time flies! I enjoyed a small break so after some relaxation, the moving, and settling I’m sending you the greetings from hot Spain and our new home…

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Where to find the right answers? / Kde najít správné odpovědi?

Where to find the right answers? / Kde najít správné odpovědi?

Have you ever happened to you that you have tempted ahead of a significant decision and you didn’t choose well in the end? Did you listen to the advice from your friends or family and…

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Free life free soul

Free life free soul

Is it hard to live a free life? What can we exactly imagine about the word “free”? The status wrote on an ID card without a partner or a peaceful life on the edge of…

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To-do list: Spring

To-do list: Spring

Spring is officially coming this weekend, so we can finally have more joy during our days. Springtime is a lovely display of how the change can look beautiful as some people say. Therefore maybe we…

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