Travel Podcast: Clash of Cultures

Clash of Cultures

Part 1:
“This time our friend from Spain is joining, her name is Anna. She is originally from the Czech Republic and we are talking about the differences between the two countries. Anna has an online job and lives close to the sea, the dream life of many people! How did she decide that and is it easy to work online? What are the disadvantages and advantages of working in Spain? Moving to a new country isn’t easy, what did we struggle with most? Find out now in the first new episode.”

Part 2:
“Part 2 of the episode where our friend from Spain is joining. Her name is Anna and she is originally from the Czech Republic and we are talking about the differences between the two countries. Anna has an online job and lives close to the sea, the dream life of many people! She speaks about the differences in weddings of both countries and Seyamie’s visit to the Czech Republic, is Trdelnik really Czech? What about CR, do they still feel the impact of the Soviet Union? Czech out the episode right now!”

What’s it like to live in Murcia (Spain)?

A Born Traveller

Hi everyone! I’m so thrilled to say something true about the typical dreamy cliché “living abroad near the sea.” I moved to a smaller region of Spain called Murcia, one and a half years ago, with my boyfriend and our dog. We are working online, so we wanted to travel and discover new places and also try a cool opportunity to live abroad…. Read more

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Style Brunch

Připravte si ingredience – jeden StyleBrunch, 31 dní z měsíce vztahů a jeden LifeIsABeachCocktail. Všechno nasypte do jedné nádoby dle Vašich preferenci a pak klasicky protřepat, nemíchat. Nakonec stačí jen vychutnat plnými doušky tento článek. 

Na květnový brunch nám dorazila Ann z blogu Lifeisabeachcocktail. Co také jiného než nějaký dobrý koktejl na (brzy již) letní brunch, že? Tato plážová víla nám naservírovala článek, ve kterém se podívá na vztahy opět z jiné perspektivy,… ale to již necháme na ní… Číst dále


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